Indonesia Internet Show Press Release 5 Nov 2012

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According to Nielsen’s Global Confidence Report Indonesia has topped the polls with a rating of 120 which is up 2 points from the last quarter. Consumers in Indonesia have the highest confidence levels in the world overtaking their Indian counterparts from the last quarter.

Asia Pacific did well as a region logging a rating of a 100 compared to North America at 88 and Europe at 73 points. However, most of the regions did decline in terms of ratings compared to the previous quarter reflecting the shifts in market sentiment.

Asia as a whole still has a highly positive sentiment. While India and China have begun to stabilize and level off in terms of growth the overall climate is still positive for Asia’s two leading economies. However, Indonesia is now coming to the attention of many key players in the region with many looking to invest in this emerging market. While the likes of Google and Sony are looking to grow their presence in the market head on, many are turning to Indonesia to invest or acquire local businesses as a means to capture a slice of the growing market.

Regardless of perspective, Indonesia is at a point where it is poised to be one of the next Asian economies bound for relentless growth. The caveat the business environment and level of technological development will need to keep pace with the demands from businesses in the region. However, with rapid developments in this space as regional entrants pour in the confidence in Indonesia is certainly off to a right start.

Click here to visit our website to find out more about what leading organisations in the region have to say about Indonesia.  If you want to find out more about Indonesia’s future business landscape and the opportunities available for you, you need to be present at Indonesia’s only Internet business event – The Internet Show Indonesia 2012, happening from 5 – 6 December 2012.

Majalah’s members are entitled to a 10% discount off conference tickets. Click here to register directly or quote RLFF. Alternatively, contact Richard at +65 6322 2715 or email to  to register.


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